A Free Business Names Stock

Toonames is a free business names stock specialized in hosting unregistered business names with their matching domains. We offer a unique and selective collection of free and available business names, created and submitted by our worldwide community of name creatives. 

When you have to choose a name for your business, usually, you start by listing several names that might be suitable for this project, then you check their availability. However, it may be that the name you want for your project, is already taken as domain or brand name. In this case, you have to restart all over again and try to find another name !

Good New ! Today, you can forget all that ! Toonames offers you a unique collection of unregistered and free business names with their corresponding web addresses, immediately availables, and free for registration, and which can be used for a wide variety of projects.

What we Offer

Toonames is a unique compilation of unregistered and free business names on the web. Our name stock is built from names submissions by our worldwide name creatives community, and selected by our naming experts before integreting the name stock.

Do you want to start a store online ? A health blog ? A travelling service App ? Whatever your project, our name stock offers a range of names that can match very varied project types. More, our name stock also includes, powerful business name generation and sorting tools that you can use to sort and choose the name that perfectly suits your project.

At Toonames, our mission is to provide :

Top Brandable Business Names Collection

We offer a top-level name collection by selecting carefully all names that are submitted in our name stock. We avoid bulk names submission, and choose only short names that can have real utility, and deserves to be integrated in our catalog.

All names submitted to our name stock are created and submitted by real people, our community of name creatives. They are not computer or AI generated, and they are verified before being integrated into the name stock.

In addition, we classify all names submitted to our catalog by level of quality, and we reward name creatives according to the quality of their names, to encourage top business names submission by the creatives community.

A Versatile Business Names Compilation

Toonames’ mission is to give access to top brandable business names for many project types, and in wide range of industries.

Our name stock is designed to be versatile and universal, so all our visitors can find the ideal name for their projects. We do not claim to be able to satisfy everyone, but we offer all kinds of names with different characteristics, which can therefore be used for many project types.

We encourage versatility by allowing our name creatives to submit names in several industries and niches, so that our name stock can meet the needs of our users.

Powerful Business Names Sorting Tools

Our Catalog doesn’t just contain an endless list of names, but also a set of sorting and name generation tools allowing you to easily browse the name stock, and find the name you’ve always wanted for your project.

We offer thousands brandable business names, sorted and categorized in several industries, and useful tools that you can use to explore our collection of names.

Ready to discover Toonames ?

Find your Business Name

Browse our Name Stock, choose the right name and start building your own brand !


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You want to contribute to Toonames ? Join us as Name Creative and earn money !

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Our Office

2405 Washington St
Boston, Massachusetts 32257 U.S.A.

We are open from Monday to Friday : 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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Follow us on our official pages on social networks, or Chat with us. Don’t hesitate to ask us everything and give us your feedbacks !

Ready to build your next Brand ?

Start by finding the right name first !
The World's First Free Business Names Stock. We offer a unique collection of unregistered and free business names. Browse our Name Stock, pick your next business name !
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